Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Final Reflection- 12/12

     When I think of "wobble" as learning, or moments of wobble in this class, I notice that English is the subject in which I come across these moments most often. 
     When given an assignment that offers the freedom to write about any topic, I find myself unsure or hesitant to start writing sometimes. This created moments of wobble for me when thinking of the topic for my literacy narrative and on the occasional writing into the day. When I'm told that there's no right or wrong answer to something, it's sometimes frustrating when I don't know where to begin. I usually like to have guidelines for an assignment so I know when I'm thinking in the right direction. It was a challenge to work with this kind of assignment at first but I got used to it after completing a few of them.
     The only other moments that were uncomfortable, or different than I am used to, were some of the improv activities that we did at the beginning of class. I felt like this was an uncomfortable or strange thing for most people in the class at first. People can be hesitant to do something when they're unsure of what is expected of them, which can also explain the first moments of wobble that I explained.

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