Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fieldwork Mini Assignment 10/30

For our fieldwork mini assignment, we decided to expand where we were looking to create our map, and took a closer look around campus, mainly around the area of Friday, Denny, the Bell Tower, and Atkins Library. This is the map I drew to display each of the writings that we found in this area:

One of the themes that was emerging in our group was public expression. I was thinking that could mean anything from writing on desks by students, to graffiti on walls, to any message seen around campus. I was walking past the Bell Tower while I was thinking of all the people who come there during the day to voice their opinions. I saw the plaque with the first amendment written on it, and couldn't think of a better example of public expression.

 I found this message painted on the ground in front of the Bell Tower in the same area as the first amendment plaque. It shows that not all graffiti has to be negative.

I saw these shirts on the sidewalk leading up to the library. They all had messages about stopping abuse on them, and it seemed like there were 100 of them.

Public expression, when it comes to messages written in random places, seems to me like it can be the most honest form of writing in a way. People post their messages for everyone to see, knowing that it's unlikely for people to find who wrote the message.

1 comment:

  1. Dillion I really like all of the pictures you included on your blog for this assignment. It really helped me to understand your mapping and how you found literacies in those places and objects.
